This blog post is about evangelization, my vocation and the journey of Rambling Spirit. Today I had the opportunity to join in worship and fellowship with a new Catholic young adult group, “Salve”, in the Diocese of Allentown, PA. Although my primary reason for attending such events is personal spiritual renewal, it’s also a chance to let other young adults know about Rambling Spirit and our ministry. Networking has never been my forte, but when you’re part of something revolutionary, transforming, and super exciting, who am I to hold back sharing it? At the same time though, it’s similar to evangelization . . . you have this deep source of inner joy, but expressing it can prove extremely intimidating! (Just like praying before meals in the corporate cafeteria). I greatly desire to share how awesome Rambling Spirit is and our vision for the world, young adults, and the transformation of the Church . . . yet at the same time, I balk at the opportunity to speak. I’m not a public speaker. I’m not even a writer. I’m an introverted, socially awkward engineer. How am I supposed to help launch this magazine towards success? How do I even start to tell people about it? The easiest remedy is to brush these worries aside and not dwell on them. To sit in my apartment and happily content myself with writing blog posts, fantasizing that the Rambling Spirit community is vibrant and thriving, full of passionate young adults. But that’s not the current reality. Our work has started, but it’s far from complete. The network of young adults, the great bridge between communities, is just beginning to be built, and we are the builders. We have to show up to the worksite every day and lay the bricks. We can’t sit in the cubicle and draft blueprints of our dreams. We need to go out in to the world and get our hands dirty with mortar. God doesn’t call us to a leisurely sphere of comfort—God invites us to a challenge. We can push Him away, but He always nudges back. Even Jonah meditating inside the whale for three days realized it was time to go to Nineveh, whether he was ready or not. This is my call. This is my vocation. It’s not easy, but I’m setting out on the path God has laid before me. Yep, it’s going to be awkward. Nope, I’m not ready. But God uses the small, weak, and humble to do His work. Samuel anointed David, marking him as God’s chosen King of Israel when he was the youngest and least likely to be chosen of all Jesse’s sons. Moses, one of the greatest prophets, didn’t feel capable of what God asked him to do—he couldn’t speak well and had a stutter. Peter, the first Pope, was a fisherman. St. Thomas Aquinas, called “the Dumb Ox” because he was slow of speech, is a revered theologian and doctor of the Church. As the saying goes, God doesn’t choose the qualified. He qualifies the chosen. How is God calling you?
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